Home » Import redirects from Redirections plugin
Import redirects from Redirections plugin


Streamline the process of managing redirects with SiteSEO by seamlessly importing and exporting redirects from/to the Redirections plugin. Here's a step-by-step guide.

Export Redirects from Redirections Plugin

  • Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Redirection -> Import / Export.
  • In the Export section, choose 'WordPress redirects' and select JSON format.
  • Click the 'Download' button to save your redirections to a JSON file.

Import Redirects to SiteSEO

  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard -> SiteSEO -> Tools.
Import redirect step1
  • Navigate to the Redirections Tab and choose 'Redirections plugin (JSON - WordPress Redirects)' from the 'Import your redirections' dropdown.
Import redirect step2
  • In the 'Import Redirections from Redirections plugin' section, upload the JSON file from your computer and click the 'Import' button to complete the process.
Import redirect step3
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