Home » Manage Meta Robots
Manage Meta Robots


The 'Manage Meta Robots' feature in the SiteSEO plugin allows you to control how search engines crawl and index your website. You can set global meta robots settings for the entire site and also customize individual settings for specific posts or pages.

Manage Robots Globally

  • Go to the WordPress dashboard and Navigate to the SiteSEO section.
  • Go to the Titles & Metas.
  • Browse the tabs and set your desired meta robots (e.g., noindex, nofollow), the default will be index, follow.
  • Click on the 'Save changes' button.
  • Clear the cache.
Note: Global parameters won't override individual post settings.

Manage Robots Individually

  • Edit the desired post or page.
  • In the SiteSEO metabox's 'Advanced' tab, set individual meta robots (e.g., noindex, nofollow).
  • Save the post.
  • Clear the cache.
Note: Individual settings will override global settings.
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