Home » How to track affiliates, file download, external and outbound link using Google Analytics
How to track affiliates, file download, external and outbound link using Google Analytics

In this guide we will help you know how to track affiliates, file downloads, external and outbound links using Google Analytics.

Note: We are assuming here that you have enabled Enable Google Analytics tracking and have added Enter your measurement ID (GA4) both of which are present in SiteSEO --> Analytics --> Google Analytics --> General Settings section.

Once you are sure you have enabled Google Analytics Tracking, now on the same page which is in WordPress Admin --> SiteSEO --> Analytics --> Google Analytics go to Events section.

Now all you need to do is just enable the features you want to track.

For example to track the External link and Telephone link, you just need to check the boxes corresponding to those options and they will start working.

For tracking file downloads you will need to enable it and then you will need to mention the file extensions you want to track, if you want to track more than one file extension you will need to separate them with pipe |, for example, exe|doc|txt|pdf

In case of Affiliate or outbound links you will need to enable it and mention the keyword you want to track, in case of multiple keywords separate them with pipe | just like in the case of file downloads.

for example https://siteseo.io/ref/example.page so here the keyword would be ref

SiteSEO Google event tracking options

If you face an issue following this, or have any other issue do let us know at support@siteseo.io and we will help you out


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