Optimize your XML sitemaps and XSL stylesheets by excluding them from caching plugins. Here's how to configure popular caching plugins with SiteSEO.
Navigate to Hummingbird -> Caching page.
Go to Exclusions section.
Save settings and clear your cache.
Navigate to Tools -> Swift Performance.
Go to Settings -> Caching -> General tab.
Ensure the 'Cache sitemap' option is disabled.
Navigate to Settings -> WP Super Cache.
Go to 'Rejected URL Strings' section.
Save settings and clear your cache.
Navigate to LiteSpeed cache -> Cache.
Find 'Do Not Cache URIs' field.
Add the following regex rules:
Save settings and clear your cache.
Navigate to the following sections:
Performance -> Page cache -> Never cache the following pages
Performance -> Minify -> Never minify the following pages
Performance -> Database cache -> Never cache the following pages
Performance -> Browser cache -> 404 error exception list
Add the following regex rules:
Ensure to save the settings and clear your cache for the changes to take effect.
No additional exclusions needed.
No additional exclusions needed.
Conflict with DIVI / Google Fonts Loading
Navigate to Divi -> Theme Options -> General -> Performance, disable 'Improve Google Fonts loading', and save your settings.